Tuesday, April 28, 2015

SketchCast #2 is here!

Hey folks, Gord and Jay are back with another edition of everybody's favourite alternative to the regular Gord & Jay Talk Art Podcast, it's the Gord & Jay SketchCast!
For those that don't know, the SketchCast is different to our usual Podcast in that it's just basically the two of us having a chat while we draw. It's much more laid back in this way and there's no real theme or topic to stick to. It's just good, clean, healthy art discussion. And here it is...

You can right-click here to download the episode.
Or you can go to our iTunes channel (Why does nobody rate and comment, darn it?!).

Apologies for the audio in this episode, there was a glitch. It may have even been a Gremlin. Possibly a Ghost in the Machine. We've got Steven Spielberg and Sting looking into it, anyway.

All of the musical additions in this episode are by Jay's crazy talented musician brother, Ryan Penn. Thanks Ry-Pie!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Jay draws naked ladies...

Hey folks, Jay here. As I mentioned in Episode 10, I've been really enjoying my Wednesday night Life Drawing class, and I promised I'd show some of the recent results. So here they are:

As you can see, I'm hanging on to that brown toned paper system for my very life! I used to use a white gouache for the highlighting, but I'm trying out various white pencils to see if there is another way to do it. And I have plenty of white pencils to choose from...
Catcha on the soundwaves!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Gord & Jay Talk Art Episode 10: Conventions

We've made it to double figures! Aren't we awesome! Yes. Yes, we are indeed.

So Episode 10's meaty topic is Conventions. We talk about our experiences while attending them and how they may play a part in what we have planned for the future. Here are the show notes:

  • Gord's Robot Monster Girl can be found here.
  • Jay's first 4-page The Circle story can be found here.
  • Becky Cloonan's fantastic 'Wolves' one-shot comic can be found here and here.
  • Jay mentioned Mike Allred. He wrote and illustrated Madman, amongst many other things.
  • Use extreme caution when attempting to pronounce Bill Sienkiewicz' surname.
  • Here is the Slaine convention sketch Liam Sharp did for Jay.
  • Paper Wings host Lora Innes' webcomic is called The Dreamer. It is beautiful!
  • Gord's 'Spotlight Artist' for this episode is the great Dave Mckean.
  • Jay uses Illustrator CC for all of his logo work. He is not in any way affiliated with Adobe or its subsidiaries. But he thinks he should get a free month for all of the public praise he gives them and their products.
The three artists Jay interviewed are-
and here's the important stuff like where to download the episode...

You can right-click here to download the episode.

Or you can go to our iTunes channel (be kind and subscribe, rate and comment!).

We use music and sounds by Setuniman, FreqMan, indigosierra, Goup_1, FoolBoyMedia, Timbre and Jay's brother, Ryan Penn.